image2 12.01.2017

Сovenant of mayors training seminars to be held in Minsk

Two training seminars will be conducted in Minsk between 24 January and 26 January for representatives of cities that have joined or plan to join the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

In particular, a seminar titled "Days of Sustainable Energy within Framework of Covenant of Mayors" will take place on 24 January and 25 January. Participants will hear about modern approaches to the promotion of public awareness, strategies for interaction with the media, and the conduct of Sustainable Energy Days.

The requirements for participation in a contest for local authorities and NGOs to obtain funding for local projects under the Covenant of Mayors will be announced at the seminar.

A seminar called "Adaptation to Climate Change at City Level" will be held on 25 January and 26 January. The event will focus on the assessment of climate change risks facing cities and districts and their adaptation to changing weather patterns.

Sign up for training seminars Registration is open until 16 January.

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