Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable development
Private sector development
Regional development
Health Care and Social Inclusion
Culture, Science, Education and Young People
Civil Society and Human Rights
Good Governance
Justice reform and penitentiary system
Migration, Asylum and Refugees
State border management
Peace and security
Norms and Standards
Projects Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable development
Together for Community and Nature: Miory District
Public Participation and Effective Water Governance in Masty District
In Belarus, rural residents often have to use poor quality drinking water from wells and are unable to use water sanitation services. Masty District is no exception: according to preliminary data, water in 70% wells is exposed to nitrate and biological contamination. It is planned to improve the situation with water supply and sanitation with support from the project of the European Union.
Reinforcement of states’ cooperation and creation of prerequisites for solving common environmental challenges
Technical Assistance to Support to Effective Air Emissions and Radiation Monitoring, and Improved Environmental Management in Belarus (SAQEM-1 Project)
Civic engagement in environmental monitoring and improving environmental management at the local level (Ecomonitoring)
Environmental monitoring means regular integrated observations of the state of ecosystems and the processes taking place in them. These observations provide for record changes in the environment, providing for making forecasts and taking safeguards against negative consequences. Environmental monitoring is essential in mitigating the increasing impact of human activities on the environment.
Cross-border Water Inspectors: Towards Joint Monitoring and Development of Water Resources of the Pripyat River Basin
Mayors for Economic Growth (EU Initiative for Eastern Partnership region)
The key goals of the Belarus 2016-2020 Social and Economic Development Programme are as follows: recover economic growth, enhance the economy's competitive edge, attract investments and provide for innovative development. A special emphasized is placed on regional and local development. Despite higher economic growth rates demonstrated by regions today, as compared to the national capital, the gap between the lifestyles has been expanding, which poses the threat of sociodemographic degradation of small towns and villages. The Mayors for Economic Growth Initiative offers a state-of-the-art approach to local economic development management that has proved successful throughout the world.
Development of urban cycling for public benefit in Belarus
European Water Initiative Plus for the Easter Partnership (EUWI+ 4 EaP)
Water is a critical resource and a key factor of sustainable development in the Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. However, the problem of regional water body contamination with industrial wastewater and rural waste is highly relevant. The water services coverage of the population is rather high, though the quality is not always adequate. Implementation of the principle of basin water resource management and surface and ground water protection from contamination are priorities of set forth in the Water Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2020. The project is aimed at addressing the problems faced by the countries in the water sphere.