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20 packaged solutions to facilitate business starting and developing in provinces

How does one open a barbershop or an online store? How to launch or expand an educational or tourism services business? How to set up the production of cheese, apparel and accessories, building materials, other businesses in your area? The packaged solutions – simple and clear guidelines developed under the Support to Local Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus project - will help answer these and other questions.

Packaged solutions will be relevant for both a beginning entrepreneur and for those who are contemplating the expansion of their current business. The solutions allow one to consider business development options, make a plan of actions and forecast potential risks

Each packaged solution consists of four thematic units:

·         Business Modeling will help a first-time entrepreneur find out what steps they need to take in order to start a business, what business model to choose, as well as the areas in which they could develop and expand their business.

·         Law contains information on legal requirements, documents and administrative procedures required for each business area covered by the packaged solutions.

·         Financial Model will explain how to set up an efficient cash flow management system. The financial calculator, which was developed for each packaged solution, will help one to model and estimate the losses and earnings of each individual enterprise.

·         Marketing includes information about the key marketing tools and their use for promoting business and boosting the sales of goods and services.

They offer various business models for starting a business with minimum investments and for scaling up a well-developing business. The packaged solutions were developed by seasoned entrepreneurs with hands-on experience in the establishment and development of similar enterprises. Their tips will help one to build proper business processes, run a competent competitor performance analysis and marketing campaign, augment the invested capital, become a successful trader and make a legal and accounting basis for opening and running one’s business, implement various business models and review one’s business performance on the services market.

20 solutions have been developed so far. They will appear on the web-site soon. Five solutions with financial models are available at the moment. Please feel free to download and use them to start your business!

Packaged solution 1. Setting up a barbershop

Financial model. Setting up a barbershop

Packaged solution 2. Retail (building materials, spare parts)

Financial model. Retail (building materials, spare parts)

Packaged solution 3. Furniture assembly and manufacture    

Financial model. Furniture assembly and manufacture

Packaged solution 4. Agri-ecotourism

Financial model. Agri-ecotourism

Packaged solution 5. Growing and selling marginal products (mushrooms, berries, etc.)

Financial model.  Growing and selling marginal products

The packaged solutions were developed under the Support to Local Economic Development at the Local Level in the Republic of Belarus project. The project is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus