image2 31.10.2016

The First in Belarus Specialized Eco-Classroom Opened in Viciebsk Voblast

The first Belarusian eco-classroom was outfitted with state-of-the-art interactive equipment to help students learn about specifics of the local nature and the unique Jeĺnia Bog, in particular.

An official opening ceremony of the first in Belarus My Country's Nature specialized ecological classroom was held in the village of Hermanovičy Šarkaŭščyna Raion, Viciebsk Voblast.

"You are lucky to have your school situated in such a unique place, in the vicinity of Jeĺnia National Landscape Reserve", said Mr. Igor M. Kachanovsky, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection in his address to the local school students and teachers.

“The Reserve maintenance and preservation require qualified specialists. The eco-classroom is designed to raise awareness of the students and local residents about the bog, improve the environmental culture".

Ms. Ina Klimenkova, UNDP Programme Associate, expressed her appreciation to the project team and partners – Coca-Cola Company and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, for fruitful cooperation in the eco-classroom establishment. She also pointed out that school pupils make up an appreciative target audience through which their parents and local community in general could be influenced. "Further work in scaling up the achieved results will depend on national authorities. Let this school become a good example,"- emphasized Ina Klimenkova.

She was supported by Angelica Melnikova, Internal Communications and PR Service Manager, Coca-Cola Beverages Belarus, “Such projects should raise awareness of local authorities about the importance of augmenting the gifts of nature and motivate them to engage in these efforts on their own initiative".

Mr. Yury Vasilevsky, Deputy Chairperson of the Šarkaŭščyna Regional Executive Committee expressed his hope for further development of the project: "I am certain that the classroom opening is only the first step of environmental activities in our region. A unique basis for it has just been built".

The classroom operations will help raise awareness of Šarkaŭščyna raion residents about sustainable nature management, inspire community commitment to addressing the challenges of nature protection and promotion of responsible, environmentally friendly conduct.

The eco-classroom will become a new tourist destination building up the regional ecotourism capacity.

The eco classroom was developed with financial support from the UNDP/Coca-Cola Foundation Project on Building the Capacity of Local Communities in Sustainable Water Resource Management to Preserve the Jeĺnia Bog in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.

Administrative support in the implementation of the project activities was provided by the UNDP/GEF Project "Landscape Approach to Management of Peatlands Aiming at Multiple Ecological Benefits" (Peatlands-2).


The Project aims to raise awareness of the local residents, who live and work in areas adjacent to the Reserve, about the importance of sustainable nature management and demonstrate the essential role of  Jeĺnia Bog in this context. Undisturbed bogs serve as ideal water regulators and filters. Peat absorbs, filters, accumulates and then gradually and slowly releases water, which helps mitigate the risk of floods and peat fires.

According to the Peatlands-2 Project experts, the water purification services of the Jeĺnia Bog alone are estimated at US Dollars 9,100,000 a year.

"Some people fail to realize the importance of peat bogs, says Alexey Artyushevsky, Manager of the Peatlands-2 UNDP/GEF Project. In addition to providing a habitat for unique flora and fauna species, they also play a crucial role in building a water balance and serve as reservoirs of pure water. We are happy that Jeĺnia Bog has once again provided a site for implementing an international initiative that may serve as a model for sustainable water resource management, climate change mitigation and preservation of the unique bog landscape of Belarus".