image2 30.06.2020

Join Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit live on 2 July

On 2 and 3 July, young people from across the EU and the six Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) will gather for the Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will take place online. To ensure maximum outreach, the EU will livestream the summit on 2 July. The livestream will run between 9:30 and 13:30 and will be followed by an online concert.

Viewers can join the event at any time.


9:30: Welcome message by European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi.

Introductory remarks by Deputy Director-General for Neighbourhood East and Institution Building Katariná Mathernová and Lawrence Meredith, Director Neighbourhood East and Institution Building.

10:15: Panel discussion ‘Future of youth policy dialogues in the Eastern Partnership’.

Speakers: Azad Rahimov, Minister of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan; Maryna Popatenko, deputy minister, Ministry for Youth and Sports of Ukraine; Revaz Charkviani, head of the Youth Agency of Georgia; Dolores Kores, director of the Office for Youth, Slovenia; Benjamin Günther, board member of the European Youth Forum.

12:00: Panel discussion ‘Moving forward on youth employment and entrepreneurship’.

Speakers: Andrey Lobovich, First Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Belarus; Ivan Gheorghiu, state secretary, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Moldova; Rolf Schmachtenberg, permanent state secretary at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany; Cesare Onestini, director of the European Training Foundation.

15:00: Live concert.