image2 04.08.2020

EU helps children's summer camp in Viciebsk region reconsruct building for inclusive recuperation

Ambassador Dirk Schuebel, head of the EU Delegation to Belarus, took part in the inauguration of a bedroom wing for disabled children at a summer camp called Izumrudny in the Hlybokaje district, Viciebsk region.

The renovation work was carried out within the framework of a project titled, “Navapolack – from an inclusive school to an inclusive city”, which is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Navapolack city authorities. The project is aimed at creating an inclusive environment and removing social and psychological barriers faced by disabled people.

As a result of the project, the first floor of the bedroom wing now has 4 spacious, comfortable rooms and two barrier-free bathrooms. The building now been fitted with a wheelchair ramp, and the area around it has elements of a barrier-free environment. An inclusive playground with equipment has been built for children with special needs.

The project reflects the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The camp is expected to receive the first group of children with disabilities as early as August 2020.

A distance-learning classroom has been opened and a lift has been installed at School No. 8 within the framework of the project, and the Palace of Children and Youth has been adapted for children with special needs.