image2 01.11.2022

Social Camp invites participants

The Goethe-Institut in Warsaw, together with its partners and with the financial support of the European Union, is launching Social Camp – a project for Belarusians and about Belarus. Between October 2022 and October 2024, the team will offer several programmes designed specifically for Belarusians, regardless of their current place of residence.

What is the Project about?

Social Camp is an educational and mentoring project consisting of several "tracks" – educational, mentoring programme, and a sub-granting scheme.

The curriculum consists of ten online Liberal Arts courses designed specifically for a Belarusian audience. The training will take place on the Moodle platform, and upon completion of the courses, participants will receive electronic certificates. If Social Camp participants plan to apply for expert and financial support for their own projects in the future, some of the courses are mandatory.

Details of the programme and recruitment terms can be found on the project page (in Belarusian and Russian).

The Team is also announcing enrolment in a mentoring programme. The role of mentors and mentors is to support mentees in achieving their goals by sharing their knowledge, experience and contacts. Mentoring brings together those who are ready to help, with those who need help with both professional and personal growth.

How to participate?

Applications for the first edition of the educational programme will take place from 31 October to 15 November 2022. You can also apply for mentoring from 31 October 2022.

All details about the project can be found at (in Belarusian and Russian).