MOST (Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contacts)
About of project:
Project Period: 17.12.2014 – 16.12.2020
Budget: € 9,295,000 (EU contribution)
Implementing Agency: Consortium including the Goethe Institute in Minsk and the British Council
Location: Belarus and 28 EU countries
Mobility, as an ability of people to travel fast from one country to another, facilitates both making new contacts and improving mutual understanding between countries. The program offers opportunities for Belarusians to acquire new knowledge, improve their professional skills and find partnerships during their visits to EU countries. The Project covers the participants' travel expenses, accommodation, meals, visas, insurance, and entrance fees for different events.
Goals and Objectives: Expansion of contacts between EU and Belarus nationals to share best practices in such spheres as culture, education, youth policy, science and technology, as well as economy, public health, the energy sector and public administration. The purpose of the visits could be to participate in a conference, fair, festival or joint work on a project.
Intermediate Outcomes: As of January 2019, 3.159 persons have availed themselves of the opportunities offered by the project. Thus, in July, Belarusian art managers visited the annual musical jazz festival on the island of Porquerolles (France) and learned about the French experience of arrangement of such events, and made useful connections.
Yekaterina Shilking, gynaecologist of Minsk Maternity Hospital # 2, took part in the Summer Obstetrician School in the Netherlands. The two-week visit agenda included learning about the obstetric aid system in the Netherlands. Yekaterina also worked for some time with a hospital obstetric team.
Representatives of the KeramArt social workshop from Brest visited the German town of Ravensburg in order to promote their products on the European market and establish contacts with foreign partners interested in cooperation. Their mission included visits to workshops and a supermarket of the OWB partner organisation employing disabled persons, the organisation's dormitory and office, and examined their requirements to the product quality.
Application submission deadline is September 2020.
Points of Contact:
Dr. Anatoli Beifert, MOST Project Team Leader:
Goethe Institute Minsk
+375 17 283 20 53,
Bulletin 1
Women and economic development/entrepreneurship 1
Women and economic development/entrepreneurship 2
Bulletin 2
Bulletin 3