Restoration of Common Culture Heritage as a Base for Youth and Creative Groups from Poland and Belarus Cross-border Cooperation

About of project:

Project period: 01.07.2019 – 30.06.2021

Budget: EUR 2,375,000.00

Implementing agencies: Ideology, Culture and Youth Affairs Department of the Liachavičy District Executive Committee (Belarus); Administration of Puchaczów Gmina of Lublin Voivodeship (Poland)

Locations: Liachavičy District (Belarus), Puchaczów Gmina (Poland)


The main issues in the regions covered by the project include the inadequate use of their historical potential and cultural heritage. Thus, the Rejtans’ manor estate in Hrušaŭka (Liachavičy District) is in a neglected state and it is gradually crumbling now, in spite of the fact that it has been included into the National List of Historical and Cultural Assets of the Republic of Belarus. The manor is visited by about 1,000 tourists from Poland every year. However, due to some internal fractures, the facility is recognized as inappropriate for being visited by tourists (it can only be observed from the outside). The Lacherts’ manor estate in Puchaczów Gmina is not accessible for tourists, and currently it is not attractive for tourists, either.

As a result of the project implementation, tourists from Poland and Belarus will acquire an opportunity to learn about the local and transboundary cultural heritage, and get access to attractive cultural and historical sites.

Goals and objectives: The project is aimed at improving the use of the potential of the cultural heritage of Puchaczów Gmina and Liachavičy District for transboundary tourism development purposes.

The project objectives are as follows: enhance access to the valuable cultural heritage in the mentioned regions for tourists and local residents; expand the potential of the unique cultural heritage sites of the regions.

Interim outcomes: The project implementation will help raise the general public’s awareness about the common history of Poland and Belarus. It will entail a higher number of tourists and facilitate the tourist sector development, as well as the economic development of both regions

The project also provides for some cultural activities aimed at the cooperation of youth and artistic teams of the neighbouring countries (artistic team meetings, museum exhibitions on topics of the common cultural and historical heritage).

In September 2019, the first conference entitled “The History of an Estate” was held by the Belarusian side; the following reports were made at the conference:

- The monument of architecture of the 19th-20th centuries. The Rejtans’ former manor estate complex in the village of Hrušaŭka of Liachavičy District, Brest Region. Restoring, Preserving and Adapting
- Lithuanian Sarmatia – cultural and everyday life aspects. Recreation of the historical costume
- Presentation of a photo album about the palace and park ensemble in the village of Hrušaŭka.

Contacts: Dmitry Makaruk, Director of the Brest Science and Technology Park, Project Coordinator

+375 29 728 86 27,

Web links:

Photo report from the scientific conference “The History of an Estate”, Liachavicki Viestnik Newspaper