“Buh unites us” – creation of two cross-border touristic kayak trails

About of project:

Project period: 04.07.2018 – 03.01.2022

Budget: EUR 1,414,765.86

Implementing agency: Drahičyn District Executive Committee (Republic of Belarus), Drohiczyn Commune (Republic of Poland), Sokal District Council (Ukraine)

Locations: Drahičyn District (Belarus), Drohiczyn Gmina (Poland), Sokal District (Ukraine)


The waterway crossing Brest Region along the Dnieper-Buh Canal, the Muchaviec and the Buh Rivers, has a great tourism potential. However, the lack of adequate infrastructure along the waterway, as well as information about natural and other landmarks of the route prevents from attracting tourists on actively.

Goals and objectives: The project is aimed at promoting and popularizing the natural heritage in the transboundary regions of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine by holding joint events and an advertising campaign, as well as by improving the tourism infrastructure of the Buh river and its tributaries.

The project provides for the development of tourist routes in the transboundary regions of the three countries, and for building infrastructure along the routes.

A new transboundary brand will be designed in order to facilitate the development of the transboundary potential of the border areas of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine.

Interim outcomes: The project provides for the construction of a tower for observing the Drahičyn land’s unique sceneries; establishment and launch of the Kayaking Tourism Centre; arrangement of a tourist recreation area; construction of berths; installation of information signs along the water route; procurement of kayaks and a catamaran with a trailer, tents and containers for storing the kayaks and tourist gear.

The project also provides for the development of two transboundary tourist kayaking routes. The first route will start in Verhobuzh (Ukraine), run along the Buh River and its section along the border to Gmina Wyszków (Poland) in the Western Buh waters. The second will spring up in Drahičyn District near the village of Bielin, run along the Dnieper-Buh Canal and the Muchaviec River to Brest, where it will join the first route.


Natalia Yanchuk, Project Coordinator, Methodology Specialist of the Brest Regional Institute of Education Development
+375 29 226 92 32, yanchuk.natalya.79@mail.ru

Pavel Pigas, Assistant Coordinator, Instructor/Methodology Specialist, Drahičyn District Club of Physical Culture and Sports
+375 33 674-86-15, pavel.pigas@yandex.ru

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