Holders of residences in apartment buildings come across a large number of issues that must be addressed in concert with other tenants. The new manual will help find comprehensive information about correct ways of solving arising issues taking into account all ins and outs of Belarusian regulations.
The Homeowner’s Manual was developed by Ecopartnership International NGO with financial support from the European Union. The publication includes sections on common property management, property owners’ entitlements and obligations, minor and major home repair. It also offers some handy tips on arranging waste management, saving energy and replacing windows.
The manual is posted at ecopartnerstvo.by; it is also available at http://ecopartnerstvo.by/ru/node/925.
The manual was published under the EU-funded project “Requirement for Efficient Management of the Utility Sector”. The project partners are Ecopartnership NGO, Viliejka and Iŭje district executive committees, and the Belarusian Consumer Protection Organisation. The project activities are implemented in 2016-2019.