image2 06.08.2020

EHU Vilnius opens the Supplementary Admission to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes

European Humanities University — a Belarusian university in Vilnius — announces the Supplementary Admission to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes. The supplementary admission will last until 14 August. The EHU academic building is located in the former Augustinian monastery in the Vilnius Old Town, which is included into the UNESCO World Heritage List. 

To prospective students from Belarus, EHU offers education according to the liberal arts model, educational grants, scholarships, as well as opportunities to take part in Erasmus+ student exchange and on-the-job training programmes. With support from the European Union, 2,577 students, 95% of whom are Belarusians, have graduated from EHU during the 15 years of its operation in Vilnius.

The supplementary enrolment will be held for the following bachelor’s degree programmes:

Full-time format:

●     European Heritage

●     International Law and Law of the European Union (5 years of continuous training).

Distance/external format:

●     Visual Design

●     Media and Communication

●     World Politics and Economy.

Moreover, EHU announces the launch of the conceptually new bachelor’s degree programme of Acting that was developed in close cooperation with Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania. At present, the programme is at the stage of registration with the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. The prospective students’ applications for the programme are due by 3 September.

The following master’s degree programmes are offered to persons with a higher education with the Supplementary Admission:

●     Visual Plastic Art

●     Public Policy

●     Cultural Heritage Development.

EHU will accept applications for the Philosophy doctorate programme until 28 August.

Details about the procedure of enrolment for the Belarusian university in Vilnius are available at the special section of the University website. This year, the essay, composition and English language exams will be held online. The exam schedule and procedure are available at this link.

After reviewing the prospective students’ applications, the Admissions Board will render a decision on inviting the prospective students to online interviews. Master’s degree programme applicants are required to carry out a research project in a selected scientific field and take an online exam in the English language.

Please take a moment to find out about the 40 webinars, that have been held by EHU students, graduates and faculty this year for the applicants and everyone interested in the most relevant issues of humanistic, social disciplines and arts.

Consultations on the admission are provided via e-mail, Skype: QuestionEHU, as well as on the University social media pages: VKFacebookInstagram.