image2 07.07.2020

European project to help Homieĺ Region youth with finding a job or starting a business

The Mentorship and Business Tools online training course was held in Homieĺ Region under EU4Youth: Fostering Potential for Greater Employability project. It was attended by more than 20 persons: Homieĺ Red Cross staff; specialists of district labour, employment and social protection departments; as well as volunteers.

Based on the Entrepreneur at the Start guidelines, future mentors learned about the mechanisms for organising efficient training of beginning entrepreneurs: from the business idea and business model selection to product or service promotion. In 2020, the project will provide miscellaneous employment support to 20 residents of the region in the age of 18-31 years.

EU4Youth: Fostering Potential for Greater Employability aims to develop the professional and technical skills for employability of socially vulnerable young men and women, first of all. So far, the project has opened 6 information centres in Homieĺ Region; they are located at the labour, employment and social protection departments in Homieĺ, Rahačoŭ, Karma, Mazyr and Rečyca. They offer both information assistance and professional retraining courses. Some young persons have already used the opportunity.

The project is financed by the European Union within the EU initiative for youth; it is implemented in three countries of the European Partnership: Armenia, Belarus and Georgia.

Partners in Belarus: Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, regional and district executive committees of Homieĺ and Mahilioŭ regions, Homieĺ and Mahilioŭ district organizations of BRC, League of Youth Voluntary Service, Youth Entrepreneurship Support and Development Centre, Gender Perspectives NGO.