image2 17.04.2020

How digital technologies help people in rural areas protect themselves from COVID-19 and continue to receive quality medical care

During seasonal viral diseases, the workload of clinics and hospitals increases significantly. The spread of coronavirus infection increased the burden on the healthcare system even further, and put vulnerable groups, especially older people, at risk.

Georgy Khlebovich works as a Chief Physician in Liachavičy District Clinic. With the support from European Union and in partnership with UNDP, his medical facility was computerized, and allowed him and his colleagues establish effective remote work with patients during COVID-19 spread in the country.

 – Thanks to effective access to medical records, we can consult patients from rural areas remotely, and, if necessary, they can get consultations from specialists in healthcare institutions in Baranavichy, Brest and Minsk. Clinic patients can receive a prescription for constantly taking medications remotely, without visiting the clinic, – says the Chief Physician.


During the coronavirus infection outbreak, the elderly and people with chronic diseases become especially vulnerable. They need constant medical supervision. However, visiting a clinic or hospital carries additional risks of infection for them. In this situation, it is important to be able to talk to get consultation from your doctor over the phone or remotely receive a prescription for the necessary medicines.

Modernization of Liachavičy District Clinic took place in 2018. Today it came in handy. The European Union and UNDP helped implement electronic medical cards, establish online communications between the clinic, rural ambulances and the district hospital. As a result, the load on medical staff has decreased, their work has become more efficient, and 25 thousand district residents have the opportunity to reduce the number of their visits to the clinic and get online access to many services in just a few minutes.

The initiative of Liachavičy District Clinic computerization was carried out within the “Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” project, funded by European Union and implemented by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus in 2014-2018.