image2 09.07.2020

Workout for life

How a workout ground can change the public perception of sports.

Nikita was born in Dokšycy. There are no workout grounds in his town. In order to do sports, your wish alone is not enough, you must create conditions for yourself – there is no other way about it.

– I used to be into computers before; I thought I would devote my life to it. However, I switched over to sports. I started with simple pull-ups, – recalls the young man. – Then, I set up a ground for myself behind my house: I put up a punching bag, got some wrist and ankle weights, and welded the dumbbells.


Nikita enjoyed early success in sports, and he was invited to speak at the opening ceremony of a multifunctional workout ground in Biahomĺ.

– There should be more such grounds. What’s more, they should be in every town. You see, children grow up, they are developing, and there is no place for them to exercise. I have been to this ground a few more times, but my town is 30 kilometers away, it is quite far for me to go there, – grins the guy.

“I built the ground myself: I put up a punching bag, got some wrist and ankle weights, and welded the dumbbells”

– Even my dad got interested in sports after I had built the ground behind our house. That is right, why not exercise when your son goes to the ground every day? Imagine, what would happen, if such a facility opened in Doksycy. It will be a quite an occasion for the town!


Nikita studies at the Military Academy now and goes in for applied military multisport racing. He is shy to speak about his achievements. His story is a great example of how one must pursue one’s goal against the odds.

Still, if every town had a ground like that, sports would become much more popular among children and adults.


The Active Life Territory initiative is implemented under BELMED project, which is financed by the European Union and co-implemented by UNDP, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. The implementing agency is the Viciebsk Regional Youth Nongovernmental Organisation – Perspektiva Centre for Territorial Development and Legal Information.

Photos: Sergei Gapon