Open Europe Scholarship Scheme (OESS) & European Scholarship Scheme for Young Belarusians (ESSYB)

About of project:

Project Period: 01.08.2011 – 31.07.2016 and 12.11.2013 – 11.11.2018

Budget: € 12 mln (EU funding: 100%)

Implementing Agency: Nordic Council of Ministers in Copenhagen and Vilnius

Location: 250 universities in Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom


The European Union offers young Belarusians an opportunity to earn a Bachelor's or Master's degree from European universities. Upon graduation, the program participants will return home, where they will be able to apply their knowledge in practice.

Project Goals and Objectives: Offer the young generation of Belarusians an opportunity to acquire a high-quality university education in Europe, thus laying foundations for further democratic development of Belarus.

Intermediate Outcomes: 288 people received scholarships for studying at universities – they selected specialities and the venues for studying themselves. Some Project participants have returned home, though the majority are still studying.

The first scholarship holders, who graduated from European universities in 2013, have managed to realize their potential in Belarus, thus confirming the program’s efficiency. They work in science, as researchers, human rights lawyers, as professionals in non-governmental organizations and private companies.

The last Project participants will return to Belarus in 2018. The education received abroad will help them in their future work and in successful career building.

The program organizers are constantly in touch with the participants and monitor their academic performance. The students form groups according to their specialities, which helps ensure ongoing experience sharing.

Points of Contact:

Marlene Støttrup, Consultant – Nordic Council of Ministers


Project Website:


European Scholarship Scheme for Young Belarusians

European universities open up for Belarus students

Higher education without borders

The scholarship schemes offer young Belarusians an opportunity to achieve higher education in EU/EEA countries


Graduation Event 2018