Promoting preservation, availability and development of intangible culture and local history heritage improving sustainable culture tourism competitiveness in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus

About of project:

Implementation period: 14.05.2019 – 13.11.2021

Budget: EUR 1,031,590.97, EU contribution: EUR 928,431.87

Implementing agencies: Sports and Tourism Department of Polack District Executive Committee (Belarus); Zemgale Planning Region, Nereta Municipality, Jēkabpils City Municipality (Latvia); Vilnius District Municipality, Rokiškis Regional Museum (Lithuania)

Locations: the city and district of Polack, Republic of Belarus


The intangible cultural heritage and local customs in the transboundary areas have not been fully studied, and they are not used in full as a tourism product, which poses a risk of losing them. It will both attract tourists and foster the areas' attractiveness and help boost their tourism capacity.

Goals and objectives: The project is mainly aimed at facilitating the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage and raising the competitive edge of the cultural tourism in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus by preserving and transferring knowledge about the intangible historical and cultural heritage, and by developing the transboundary cooperation on the field of tourism, as well as by creating conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, engaging young people in the sphere of tourism and training them by arrangement of joint activities in the partner regions.

Interim outcomes: The project provides for the arrangement of tourism infrastructure (creation of new exhibition displays) and marketing (festivals, joint participation in international tourism expos) activities in the partner regions. It will provide for the formation and development of a modern and competitive tourism complex on the regional level.

The project activities will lay a foundation for the development of tourism and tourist services, which will attract more tourists to the transboundary area and make a positive effect on the development of the related industries (commerce, transport, souvenirs, etc.).

Provisions will be made for the operation of a multi-tier tourism services promotion services, for the growth of the overall tourism services export target.

From 30 August until 1 September 2019, the "On the Route from the Varangians to the Greeks" International Festival was held in Polack; the festival was visited by more than 6,000 persons.

Contacts: Yevgenia Kovaleva, Project Manager

+375 29 595 94 88,,

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