European Water Initiative Plus for the Easter Partnership (EUWI+ 4 EaP)
About of project:
Period: 01.04.2016 – 31.08.2020
Budget: the overall project budget for the six countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) is €24,601,815, EU contribution: €24,601,815
Implementing agency: the project is implemented in Belarus by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and an EU Consortium comprising the Austrian Environmental Agency (Austria) and the International Office for Water (France)
Location: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
Water is a critical resource and a key factor of sustainable development in the Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. However, the problem of regional water body contamination with industrial wastewater and rural waste is highly relevant. The water services coverage of the population is rather high, though the quality is not always adequate. Implementation of the principle of basin water resource management and surface and ground water protection from contamination are priorities of set forth in the Water Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2020. The project is aimed at addressing the problems faced by the countries in the water sphere.
Goal and objectives: Improve the management of water resources in the Eastern Partnership countries, in particular, transboundary rivers. Bring the water policies and strategies of the Eastern Partnership countries in line with the EU Water Framework Directive, multilateral environmental agreements and the integrated water management principle.
Interim outcomes: The project provides for development of a management plan for one of the five key Belarusian river basins: the Pripyat river basin, and enhancement of the Dnieper river basin management plan in terms of approximating it to criteria of the EU Water Framework Directive. A special focus will be placed on development of mechanisms of engagement of all stakeholders and water users into the basin plan and activity programme development and implementation processes. There are plans to enhance surface and ground water monitoring by providing equipment supplies and laboratory staff training. It is expected that the project will provide for development of a sustainable mechanism for training personnel involved in this area, enhancing the data and information management processes, making regular project progress reviews and disclosing the findings available for public.
Contacts: Aleksandr Stankevich, EU Consortium Project Representative in Belarus
+375 44 555 14 13,