Creation of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Promotion and Support in Hlybokaje District
About of project:
Period: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021
Budget: €461,478.00, EU contribution: €414,868.72
Implementing agency: Hlybokaje District Executive Committee
Partners: Mašeraŭ State University of Viciebsk, Hlybokaje District Council of Deputies, the Lake Land Local Foundation/Centre for Social and Economic Development of Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian Territories
Location: Hlybokaje District, Viciebsk Region, Belarus
Budget: €461,478.00, EU contribution: €414,868.72
Implementing agency: Hlybokaje District Executive Committee
Partners: Mašeraŭ State University of Viciebsk, Hlybokaje District Council of Deputies, the Lake Land Local Foundation/Centre for Social and Economic Development of Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian Territories
Location: Hlybokaje District, Viciebsk Region, Belarus
The lack of business expertise among the local residents is a factor constraining full-scale entrepreneurship and business activity development in Hlybokaje District. Learning new skills and consultations on further development of small and medium businesses will contribute to enhancement of the district business environment.Goals and objectives: The project is mainly aimed at building an infrastructure for mastering new business activities, developing the human capital and promoting innovative small and medium entrepreneurship in Hlybokaje District.
Interim outcomes: The Promotion. Support. Innovations Forum was held in Hlybokaje in October of 2019; it was attended by representatives of regional and local authorities, businesspersons, and the project partner organisations. The forum participants discussed certain challenges of the local business support, and experience exchange among various provinces of Belarus.
The District Centre for Promoting and Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovations opened in Hlybokaje. At least 300 persons will be trained in the Centre during the project period; there are plans for implementing at least 10 startup projects and creating 400 jobs.
After the project, the Centre will continue providing legal consulting and information support, as well as small and medium business promoting, among other things, by making use of the newly created web platform. The services will be offered for a standard fee, which will be applicable across Belarus, which will provide for financial sustainability of the Centre.
Contacts: Julia Salakhova, +375333597591,
Web links:
Project Factsheet
The project in media:
Vitebskiye vesti Newspaper (in Russian) Viciebsk News Portal (in Russian)