image2 09.11.2017

Tourism Development Facilitation – the Theme of the New “Eurobulletin”

The new issue provides information about tourism development facilitating projects implemented in Belarus.

Daria Moroz spoke about the implementation for the Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in Belarus Project. Belarusian and international experts have helped with the design of tourism development strategies and logos, as well as marketing and brand strategies.

The Belarusian town of Mscislaŭ became of the nine participants of the COMUS International Project that supports restoration, preservation and further use of historical sites. Ms. Natalia Biskup, the Head of the Ideology, Culture and Use Department of the Mscislaŭ District Executive Committee, gave an account of the town's progress during its participation in the project.

Mr. Vitaly Varabey summed up the first outcomes of the From Cradle to Development Project implemented in 2015-2018 in Slaŭharad District. The project is aimed at tourism development and creation of a comfortable environment for tourists.

Mr. Gennady Bychko, Deputy Chairperson of the Smarhoń District Executive Committee, shared experience about development of a tourist cluster in the district, when information technology helping the tourism market professionals improve the performance and attract more tourists.

The Nature Matters to Everyone Project was mainly aimed at developing an important bird area (IBA) guardian network in Belarus. According to Mr. Aleksandr Vinchevsky, the Head of APB Birdlife Belarus NGO, the project indirectly facilitated tourism development too, as the guardians also served as guides for birdwatching tourists.

Ms. Irina Bogdanets dwelled on how Karma District plans to attract tourists to a flax festival, and Ms. Svetlana Biran explained what makes the raion's weaving and bread museums interesting not for local residents only.

Ms. Olga Zinkevich gave an account of the efforts made by Ružany to become as famous among tourists as Mir or Niasviž.

The issue is concluded with a block of news, inter alia, about EU allocation of Euro 6 mln for small and medium business support in Belarus.