Strengthening Waste Management Services for the Rural Population of Puchavičy District, Minsk Region

About of project:

Project Period: 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2018

Budget: € 391,732; EU contribution – € 352,558

Implementing Agency: Puchavičy District Executive Committee andInternational public organisation "Ecoproject" Partnership" (IPO "Ecopartnership")

Location: Puchavičy District , Minsk Region


Only 5% of 30,000 municipal solid waste is processed annually in Puchavičy District. Most of the waste is disposed at a landfill site, contaminating the environment. The Project will both improve the ecology of the raion and offer a great example of waste management for other regions of Belarus.

Goals and Objectives: The project aims to improve the quality of waste management services in rural areas. It will require the establishment of a system for collecting electrical and electronic equipment; elimination of unauthorized dumps; and generation of local residents' interest in state-of-the-art methods of waste collection.

Intermediate Outcomes: Development of an electronic/electric waste collection system began with a study of the baseline: how fast such waste accumulates and what its components are. The findings were used to inform the development of an integrated electronic/electric waste management system for Puchavičy District.

The project has supported the establishment of a site for collection of electronic/electric waste from households. A mini-van have been procured for collecting used household equipment from households on call.  54 used battery collection containers have been installed. There are only a few of the strategy implementation activities.

The project has fostered the efforts to eliminate and prevent the illegal dumping. With support from the European Union, a bulldozer has been procured, and green waste composting grounds have been set up in the District's educational institutions.

Broad-scale awareness-raising efforts have been made to bring the attention of the local community to the proper waste management issue and to motivate their activity.

Points of Contact: Alina Bushmovich, General Manager, International public organisation "Ecoproject" Partnership" (IPO "Ecopartnership")

+375 17 336 01 90, +375 29 310 05 80,


Poster about batteries

Poster about composting 

Children's book “A Fascinating Tripo. A Fairy Tale about How Old Things Found a New Home” 
