Education Opens Doors

About of project:

Project Period: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2016

Budget: € 303,516; EU contribution – € 227,637

Implementing Agency: Institute for International Cooperation of the German Association of Folk High Schools (in Belarus, via Country Office of Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V.)

Location: Belarus, Homiel Region


Education of convicts facilitates faster post-release social re-integration and reduces the risk of re-offending. Correctional facilities do not always provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. The Project would help make education more available for convicts.

Goals and Objectives: In cooperation with non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and social services, develop offender training projects in six correctional facilities. The PA objective is to bring the general public’s attention to the problem of convicts’ right to education and the need to make the Belarusian correctional system more humane.

Intermediate Outcomes: In 2015, six correctional facilities of the city and voblast of Homiel were selected for the Project; their staff took courses on such topics, as "Education within the Context of the Human Rights Concept", "Introduction to Theory and Practice of Adult Education", "Project Management" and "Cooperation Strategies".  Based on course results, they developed six mini-projects to be implemented in 2016. More than 500 convicts will be trained for new jobs (stove setter, computer operator, automatic/semi-automatic welder, hairdresser, manicurist/make-up artist) and computer literacy classes will be provided; they will also learn how to run a household, plan a personal budget, and manage conflict situations.

A pilot project on distance higher education in jail was launched in Correctional Colony Number 4 (Homieĺ) in September, 2015: 14 women are majoring in psychology, accounting and management. There are plans to extend this experience to other correctional facilities in the country.

Points of Contact: Bettina Brand, Project Manager

+ 49 228 9756962,

Marina Malinina, Project Coordinator in Belarus

+375 17 207 98 35, +375 29 171 93 97,



Gomel Recommendations on Developing Education in Penitentiary Institutions of the Republic of Belarus