Together for Community and Nature: Miory District
About of project:
Period: 01.05.2019 – 30.04.2022
Budget: €1,085,888; EU contribution: €975,888
Implementing agency: Miory District Executive Committee
Partners: APB-Birdlife NGO (Belarus), Latvian Rural Forum (Riga, Latvia)
Location: Miory District, Republic of Belarus
Budget: €1,085,888; EU contribution: €975,888
Implementing agency: Miory District Executive Committee
Partners: APB-Birdlife NGO (Belarus), Latvian Rural Forum (Riga, Latvia)
Location: Miory District, Republic of Belarus
Sustainable development on regional and local levels is a key priority for the Republic of Belarus in the next few years. Partnership between local authorities and civil society organisations will help unlock the regional potential and give an impulse to its further development.Goal and objectives: The project provides for drafting the Miory District Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). It will be oriented at developing local community initiative and responsibility, supporting the biological and cultural diversity, developing the social infrastructure and green economy. There are plans for awareness-raising and training activities for local authorities on issues of local development based on the EU experience. The project implementation will facilitate active engagement of local residents in efforts on preservation of the unique natural potential of Miory District.
Outcomes: Within the project's framework the wooden floor of 'Azierauki-Yelnia' eco-trail was extended and a camping site was arranged.
As a part of implementing the 'Healthy Lifestyle' component of the project, a workout area was created in Jazna agro-town. In Miory the town's gym floor was fully overhauled and three tiers for the spectators were installed at the sports facility.
Several local initiatives are being implemented since the 1st of September 2020, two of which have received EUR 60 000 each and eight of them EUR 10 000 each for implementing their ideas. The initiatives' outcomes will be summarized by the end of Summer 2021.
The Sustainable Development Strategy of Miory district, as well as the guidelines for developing the sustainable strategies and the Youth Strategy for Sustainable Development (which is the first in Belarus) are almost completed.
The local residents including the young people are taking active part in developing the Strategies. The Public Council for developing and implementing the Sustainable Development Strategy of Miory district was created in the end of 2019 within the district Council of Deputes - the first such Council in Belarus.
During the second year of the project the Council has held 10 sessions where the local authorities and the residents discussed the relevant issues of the district's development, which allowed to widen of the local residents participation in the regional administration.
Thanks to a number of workshops and trainings held as part of the project, 16 people were accredited at the National Tourism Agency and have obtained the Certificates of Guides for the Yelnia swamp and are now proposing recreational activities for everyone's taste. Tourists can now buy unique handmade souvenirs made of wool by felting.
In a town park 'Paŭvostraŭ', where the annual ecological festival 'Žoravy i Žuraviny Miorskaha kraju' ('Cranes and Cranberrries of the Miory Land') takes place, was refurbished: the predestrian path was repaired, a dancefloor and a gazebo were build, kids playground equipment and torch-like lanterns were installed etc.
A big part of the work was connected with improving the visibility of the district's tourism brand. An art-object ''Miory 1514" was installed in the 'Paŭvostraŭ' park, new benches and waste bins decorated by the recognizable Miory-land pattern were installed. Such benches were also installed at the streets of Miory and at the Dzisna park.
Murals created as a part of the project that resemble a traditional 'malavanka' carpet are 'weaved' of the local landmarks, Jazep Drazdovič portrait which is the largest in Belarus, as well as graffiti inspired by the unique double weaving technique and a shop decorated with a iconic crane-pattern - all this art lets the visitors to learn about the landmarks of Miory, Dzisna and Pierabroddzie village.
Project's website:
Project's social media groups: «Razam dla hramady i prypody: Miorski kraj / Together for the community and the nature: Miory land» in «VKontakte», «Odnoklassniki», «Facebook».
Contacts: Aleg Sivagrakov, Project Manager
+ 375 29 626 46 86,
Shokel Elena, Project PR and Website manager
+ 375 29 293 40 29,
Documents: Information booklet (belarusian language)