Development of a Pilot Project to Protect the Rights of Children with Severe Disabilities and Terminal Conditions in Belarus

About of project:

Period: 23.12.2015 – 22.12.2018

Budget: € 471,136.78 €, EU contribution - € 447,579.94

Implementing Agency: Belarusian Children's Hospice, a nongovernmental charitable organization

Partner:  HealthProm, a UK charitable organization

Locations: UK, Belarus (Minsk, Homieĺ, Hrodna)


For the first time in Belarus, a legal service will be established under the project to help families that have children with severe disabilities with protecting their interests. For instance, a skilled lawyer could help a wheelchair-bound child's family with arranging a ramp at their apartment building entry.

Goals and Objectives: Protect the rights of children with severe health problems and disabilities, as well as their family members.

Expected Outcomes: In the autumn of 2016, the formation of the legal service providing accessible legal support to families that have children with severe disabilities will be finalized. So far, it has a lawyer and two caseworkers on staff, and they will soon be joined by regional coordinators.

Families raising children with severe incurable diseases were identified in the pilot regions (Minsk, Homieĺ and Hrodna Regions). The project staff will assist such families according to their needs. That will help improve living standards of 300 incurable children and their families.

The hot telephone line +375 17 503 57 23 is in operation under the project. An online forum for parents will be set up, too.

In training programs in Belarus and the UK, 130 healthcare professionals, human rights advocates, parents and social activists will have an opportunity to improve their skills in palliative care provision and protection of children's rights.

The Project will provide for support and coordination of efforts of all stakeholders – representatives of the Belarusian Children's Hospice, local and national authorities, and mass media.

Points of Contact: Pavel Burikin, Project Manager, Pediatric Physician, Belarusian Children's Hospice

+375 17 505 27 45; +375 29 662 07 54;

Tanya Buynovskaya, Project Manager / Director, HealthProm,

+44 (0)20 7272 7356; +44 (0)20 8617 9893;

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