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The "Covenant of Mayors" Initiative, sustainable development, training and business are the main themes of the new Eurobulletin

The latest issue of Eurobulletin is dedicated to major projects implemented in Belarus with financial support from the European Union in various areas.

  • The new head of the EU Delegation Dirk Schuebel explained why the European Union considers it important to provide technical assistance to Belarus, and in what areas the cooperation has been developing successfully. 

  • Darya Chumakova summed up the implementation of the two-year project onDevelopment of Urban Cycling for Public Benefit in Belarus, and gave an account of what has been done during that period.

  • More than three thousand Belarusians have availed themselves of the opportunities offered by MOST programme for establishing professional contacts with their European colleagues. Anatoli Beifert explained the programme participation rules and how the participants are selected.

  • The new project “Together for Community and Nature: Miory District” is aimed at facilitating the sustainable development of Miory District by promoting local brands and producers. Aleh Sivahrakaŭ shared the plans of implementation of that project.

  • Yulia Yablonskaya and Olga Salakheyeva gave an account of Belarus’ participation in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative, and Olga Kuznetstova shared some cases of success of the Advice for Small Businesses in Belarusproject participants.

  • The issue is concluded with news about the EU national consultations with the Eastern Partnership member states regarding the future of the initiative; and about the Neighbours Inspire! communication campaign featuring the Poland – Belarus – Ukraine and Latvia – Lithuania – Belarus programmes of Cross-Border Cooperation.
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