Requirement for Efficient Management of the Utility Sector

About of project:

Period: 01/08/2016 - 31/12/2019

Budget: €702,699.87, EU contribution €632,429.88

Implementing Agency: International public organisation "Ecoproject" Partnership" (IPO "Ecopartnership")

Partners: Viliejka District Executive Committee; Iŭje District Executive Committee; Belarusian Consumer Protection Society

Associated Partner: Bavarian Environment Agency; Water Technology Transfer Project

Locations: Viliejka (Minsk Region), Iŭje (Hrodna Region)


The quality of utility services affects everyone's life. Belarusian citizens nowadays have limited access to the information on activities of utility companies. The introduction of a social reporting mechanism, providing for residents' active involvement in the sector development, will help improve the work of utility companies.

Goals and Objectives: Expand the involvement of nongovernmental organizations in the decision making of utility companies. Raise public awareness about the residents' rights and duties in the sphere of utility services.

Key Outcomes: Information centres about the operation of the utility services of two pilot districts: Iŭje and Viliejka were created in social media, where the local residents can find out about all innovations in the utilities sector, discuss hot topics and address their questions to specialists.

Public statutes, communication strategies, annual reports and new websites were developed for the utility companies. A contest of local initiatives was held among nongovernmental organisations.

Miscellaneous reference materials, explaining how to dispose of waste properly, compost green waste, refuse from plastics and treat water with due care, were developed for the districts. The residents take a great interest in the House Owner's Manual that provides a collection of recommendation for utility service consumers.

In 2019, waste collection was organised in 65 settlements; 16 mini-landfills for disposal of municipal waste were closed.

A water intake was upgraded in Iŭje District, including automation and dispatcher service; the installation of an iron removal station allowed providing 1,894 residents and the Iŭje Hospital patients with high-quality water.

Several measures on introduction of separate waste collection were taken in Viliejka District: 111 separate collection containers were installed; a plastic waste pressing/packing line and a garbage truck were procured. A site for temporary storage of electronic and electrical equipment waste was built; there are plans for installing used battery containers.

The project partners hold training events on resource and energy saving for students and general public. They include contest on battery collection contests, contests of photos, drawings and essays.

Points of Contact: Alina Bushmovich, Executive Director, International public organisation "Ecoproject" Partnership" (IPO "Ecopartnership")

+375 17 336 01 91,

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