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Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable development


Private sector development

Regional development

Health Care and Social Inclusion

Culture, Science, Education and Young People

Civil Society and Human Rights

Good Governance

Justice reform and penitentiary system

Migration, Asylum and Refugees

State border management

Peace and security

Norms and Standards

Extended Reset filter


Community-based volunteer initiatives for empowerment of citizens in remote areas of Belarus
Public organizations that are committed to caring for the elderly, the disabled, orphans and other vulnerable categories are often under-staffed. This problem is particularly relevant in remote areas of Belarus. NGO volunteers come to help; they work hard and selflessly for the good of others.
Price: € 393 333 Status: Time: 2012 - 2016
Destruction of PFM-1 series ammunition in the Republic of Belarus

Anti-personnel mines are among the most dangerous weapons of destruction. In 2003, Belarus acceded to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (also known as the Ottawa Treaty) and ratified it on March 1, 2004. 

Price: € 3 900 000 Status: Time: 2011 - 2018
Open Europe Scholarship Scheme (OESS) & European Scholarship Scheme for Young Belarusians (ESSYB)
The European Union offers young Belarusians an opportunity to earn a Bachelor's or Master's degree from European universities. Upon graduation, the program participants will return home, where they will be able to apply their knowledge in practice.
Price: € 12 000 000 Status: Time: 2011 - 2018