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Support to Sustainable Tourism Development in Belarus

Despite the large number of landmarks and recreation areas, Belarus lacks experience to enable successful development of the tourism sector. Meanwhile, tourism is a driver of national economic development.

Price: € 1 717 686 Status: Time: 2015 - 2018
Expanding Economic Opportunities in Rural Belarus

The Belarusian rural population, whose income is much lower than that of townspeople, is at risk of falling below the poverty line. In view of the low productivity of agricultural companies, which are unable to offer adequate wages, self-employment may be an alternative. Entrepreneurship enables both the prevention of poverty and support to sustainable regional development.

Price: € 500 000 Status: Time: 2015 - 2017
Cluster Approach and Information Technologies for Local Administration and Sustainable Development of Rural Areas
National economic problems and the global crisis have a markedly negative effect on the regions, where household income drops faster, and employment and development opportunities shrink more than anywhere else.  All these factors result in local residents, especially young people, leaving for the capital and larger cities. Villages become empty, which further complicates rural life.
Price: € 334 700 Status: Time: 2015 - 2017
Valožyn without barriers: Increasing Local Capacities for Provision of Social and Recreational Services for People with Disabilities
Owing to the Project, Valožyn will become a launching platform to barrier-free development of tourism. The first Belarusian tourist center and a hostel for people with disabilities will be built in the city, and a special path will be created in Naliboki Forest (Nalibokskaja pušča).
Price: € 1 111 000 Status: Time: 2015 - 2020
System of Automation for Vision of Energy and WATER: SAVE WATER
The Čavusy authorities actively work on energy saving and environmental protection issues. In spring 2014, the town became the eighth Belarusian settlement to accede to the Covenant of Mayors and undertake a number of commitments.  In particular, by 2020, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced there by 20%, energy consumption by 20%; the share of renewable energy utilization will be increased by 20%. The SAVEWATER Project will offer a great opportunity for the city to fulfill the key elements of the Covenant.
Price: € 595 268 Status: Time: 2015 - 2020
Education Opens Doors
Education of convicts facilitates faster post-release social re-integration and reduces the risk of re-offending. Correctional facilities do not always provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. The Project would help make education more available for convicts.
Price: € 303 516 Status: Time: 2015 - 2017
PubLiCity: Energy Efficient Modernization of Public Lighting in the City of Polack

Polack, the first Belarusian city to become a member of the Covenant of Mayors, developed its own Sustainable Energy Action Plan with EU support. Adopted in 2012, the document includes a number of measures to improve the energy efficiency of municipal buildings and companies, renewable energy generation, expansion of green areas, enhancement of the operation of public transport and improvement of the street lighting system. The PubLiCity will offer another opportunity for Polack to fulfill its commitments under the Covenant of Mayors.

Price: € 1 630 521 Status: Time: 2015 - 2020
Programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in Eastern Partnership Countries (PPRD East 2)

The Programme is aimed at enhancing the civil protection capacity in the six Eastern Partnership countries, including Belarus. Its implementation will help improve the efficiency of national-level disaster risk management and protect the population from potential negative effects of natural and man-made disasters. An important part of the Programme is to enhance regional cooperation within the participating countries to foster interaction with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Price: € 5 500 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2018
Technical Assistance to Support the Development of Green Economy in Belarus
The green economy concept is designed to improve the standards of living and social equality, and mitigate environmental risks. A switchover to this model requires new approaches, primarily on the government level.
Price: € 1 465 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
Nature Matters to Everyone. Strengthening Nature Protection through Development of Grass-Roots Leadership and Participation of Local Communities in Decision Making Processes at Local Level

51 important bird areas (IBAs) are identified in Belarus. These are wildlife and nature spots, unique ecosystems that became home to hundreds of bird species. Preserving them means maintaining the country's biodiversity.

Price: € 207 846 Status: Time: 2014 - 2016