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Green Economy, Environment and Sustainable development


Private sector development

Regional development

Health Care and Social Inclusion

Culture, Science, Education and Young People

Civil Society and Human Rights

Good Governance

Justice reform and penitentiary system

Migration, Asylum and Refugees

State border management

Peace and security

Norms and Standards

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Strengthening Surveillance and Bilateral Coordination Capacity along the Common Border between Belarus and Ukraine / SURCAP PHASE II

Border security is a key element of national security policy in Belarus and Ukraine, a guarantee of their territorial integrity and an element of development of political, economic and cultural relations with neighboring countries and the international community.

Price: € 5 350 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
Clima-East: Conservation and sustainable management of peatlands in Belarus to minimize carbon emissions and help ecosystems to adapt to climate change

Shrub, underwood and reed invasion on peat bogs jeopardizes the unique biodiversity of the reserves. In order to restore and protect the natural landscape excessive vegetation should be regularly removed. The produced peatland biomass may partially substitute hydrocarbons as an ecological fuel, as well as be used in the construction sector. 

Price: € 1 498 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus

The “green” economy aims to improve the wellbeing of people and mitigate environmental risks. Nature is a key resource from the perspective of the “green” concept. Application of modern, efficient strategies helps to benefit from its advantages without causing damage.

Price: € 5 000 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus

The future of small towns and rural areas directly depends on the work of local authorities and active community participation.  Solving local development problems can lead to improved living standards across the country. The Project strategy is built on the area-based development approach (ABD), the essence of which is the identification of area-specific challenges through joint efforts of local authorities and communities.

Price: € 5 919 975 Status: Time: 2014 - 2018
School for parents. Promoting positive parenting in Belarus
Families bringing up orphans often lack knowledge and skills about how to interact with the children's biological parents and to settle conflicts.
Price: € 303 709 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
Networking around Nature
Networking around the idea of wildlife conservation encourages local residents to take a more active part in social life, and their environment is improved as a result. Nature watching helps to overcome social stress caused by the Chernobyl disaster effects and is also a captivating activity.
Price: € 259 703 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017
MOST (Mobility Scheme for Targeted People-to-People-Contacts)
Mobility, as an ability of people to travel fast from one country to another, facilitates both making new contacts and improving mutual understanding between countries. The program offers opportunities for Belarusians to acquire new knowledge, improve their professional skills and find partnerships during their visits to EU countries. The Project covers the participants' travel expenses, accommodation, meals, visas, insurance, and entrance fees for different events.
Price: € 9 295 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2020
Building Capacity of Family Clubs Network of the Chernobyl Area for Improving the Socio Economic Situation
A family club is an association of people sharing common interests and dealing with relevant issues of rural areas. Such informal organizations help provide support to families living in radiation-contaminated areas and engage active local residents in the development of their regions.
Price: € 502 816 Status: Time: 2014 - 2018
Living without Violence – Support for Women and Children Suffering from Domestic Violence
According to social surveys, one out of three women in Belarus suffers from physical violence in the family. The Project experts believe that "there is always a way out"; they address the problem in a comprehensive manner, with wide-scale information support.
Price: € 245 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2016
From Energy Efficiency to Urban Mobility: Introducing a Participatory Approach to Development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Polack
About 10-15 years ago, there were around 150 cars per 1,000 citizens of Polack; now their number is about 300 (per 1,000). The growing traffic flow jeopardizes the urban ecology and people’s safety. The problem can be solved through the introduction of a modern system of urban mobility.
Price: € 334 000 Status: Time: 2014 - 2017