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Cross-border Water Inspectors: Towards Joint Monitoring and Development of Water Resources of the Pripyat River Basin
Small rivers are important sources of drinking water, critical for agricultural development and ecosystem support in entire regions. The Pripyat basin rivers also have an impact on the condition of the Black Sea, into which the Pripyat flows. The Project is designed to preserve and facilitate the development of the regional environment.
Price: € 277 800 Status: Time: 2018 - 2019
Promoting civil society participation in decision-making processes on social inclusion in Belarus
The provision of assistance and support to people, vulnerable categories in particular, is one of the most essential functions in the activities of local authorities. The local community involvement in the process helps resolve arising issues and respond to people’s requirements as promptly and efficiently as possible.
Price: € 667 111 Status: Time: 2017 - 2021
Belarus Economic Policy Support
The Belarusian economy needs to lower the government dominance and facilitate private sector development, inter alia, by developing small and medium enterprises; however, it is important to minimize negative social effects of the reforms. The project activities help Belarus develop policies and instruments for quantitative assessment of the effect of individual reforms.
Price: € 3 000 000 Status: Time: 2017 - 2020
Employment and Vocational Education and Training in Belarus
The project is aimed at adapting the vocational education and training system in Belarus to the needs of the modern labour market.
Price: € 5 400 000 Status: Time: 2017 - 2021
Mayors for Economic Growth (EU Initiative for Eastern Partnership region)

The key goals of the Belarus 2016-2020 Social and Economic Development Programme are as follows: recover economic growth, enhance the economy's competitive edge, attract investments and provide for innovative development. A special emphasized is placed on regional and local development. Despite higher economic growth rates demonstrated by regions today, as compared to the national capital, the gap between the lifestyles has been expanding, which poses the threat of sociodemographic degradation of small towns and villages. The Mayors for Economic Growth Initiative offers a state-of-the-art approach to local economic development management that has proved successful throughout the world.

Price: € 4 979 800 Status: Time: 2017 - 2020
Development of Rural Localities in the Republic of Belarus: Boosting Rural Entrepreneurship in Belarus and Launching a Rural Business Incubator in Kamarova

Belarusian Viciebsk and Hrodna Regions are unique territories due to their proximity to EU borders and remoteness from large industrial hubs; however, job opportunities there, same as in the entire country, have been shrinking.  Private business in rural localities of these voblasts could be a source of new jobs, but now it employs less than 3% of the population. The project is aimed at improvement of the socio-economic situation in the region through development of local entrepreneurship.

Price: € 551 034 Status: Time: 2017 - 2020
Development of urban cycling for public benefit in Belarus
Although many still associate bikes with recreation, the recent years demonstrate a considerable upsurge of interest in the bicycle as a full-fledged vehicle. The 2017 and 2019 comparative opinion polls in Minsk show that people have come to consider cycling as an adequate alternative for traveling on foot or riding a car, though not for using public transportation. Meanwhile, almost all respondents note that the cycling infrastructure should be improved with the focus on legitimizing road cycling.
Price: € 630 173 Status: Time: 2017 - 2020
Navapolack – from an inclusive school to an inclusive city

Inclusion of children and young people with disabilities into the educational process and a fulfilling social life is one of the key objectives of the civilized society. The project is aimed at creation of an inclusive environment, removal of social and mental barriers to disabled people.

Price: € 514 080 Status: Time: 2016 - 2020
“Agenda-50” The rights of person with disabilities: agenda for Belarus

On September 24, 2015, the Republic of Belarus acceded to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and a year later, it ratified the instrument. The Convention provides for respect for the rights and basic freedoms of people with disabilities, their recognition as full-fledged members of the society. The project is aimed at bringing the national legislation in line with the Convention, as well as at introducing changes into the law enforcement practices in Belarus.

Price: € 408 159 Status: Time: 2016 - 2019
European Water Initiative Plus for the Easter Partnership (EUWI+ 4 EaP)

Water is a critical resource and a key factor of sustainable development in the Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine.  However, the problem of regional water body contamination with industrial wastewater and rural waste is highly relevant. The water services coverage of the population is rather high, though the quality is not always adequate. Implementation of the principle of basin water resource management and surface and ground water protection from contamination are priorities of set forth in the Water Strategy of the Republic of Belarus until 2020. The project is aimed at addressing the problems faced by the countries in the water sphere. 

Price: € 24 601 815 Status: Time: 2016 - 2020